HESLB Building | Plot No. 8, Block No. 46, | Sam Nujoma Road, Mwenge

Contact Time 0800hrs - 1700hrs
Contact Email info@aahefa.org

HESLB Building | Plot No. 8, Block No. 46, | Sam Nujoma Road, Mwenge

Photo Gallery

AAHEFA AGM 2017 – Lesotho

Commitee Meetings at AAHEFA AGM 2017

Committee Members Excrusion at Thaba Bosiu in Maseru - 2017

2016 AGM in Dar Es Salaam , Tanzania

2016 Intercommittees Meeting Dar Es Salaam

AGM 2015 - Ghana , Elmina

2014 Annual General Meeting – Kampala, Uganda

Membership Drive Mission – 2014

AGM 2013 – Arusha Tanzania

Excursion to Ngorongoro Crater in Arusha during the 2013 AGM

2010: Tanzania HELSB Delegation visit to HELB Kenya

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